Beat the Heat: Paw Protection

As the middle of the Summer approaches Central Florida, the heat starts to rise even more and so does the temperature on the ground. Many dog owners and dog walkers enjoy walks with their dogs and have even incorporated it into their everyday routine. But, many of them fall short in remembering an important detail: the pavement is HOT! Some people assume that since dog’s paws have pads hat they can withstand the heat and protect them against any surface no matter the temperature, but unfortunately this is completely false. It is crucial to remember that the asphalt temperature in the summertime can reach frying temperatures and leave the ground feeling like lava if you do  not have protection. This can and will not only result in burns on YOUR feet but also your dogs paws. It is urged to make sure your dog’s paws are protected from the heat, so below are some tips used to refrain your dog from getting any type of burned pads this upcoming Spring and Summer season…

Dog shoes/booties.

Dog shoes are a good temporary solution to shielding your dog’s paws against hot asphalt. But for some dogs in particular it can be a challenge to put on or keep on dog shoes, and also might have trouble walking in them for a period of time. 

Walk your dog in cooler weather. 

This tip might seem a little evident and unrealistic in the summer months, but if you can, walk your dog as the sun is rising/setting and or in the evening. The pavement is obviously cooler during these times. If you have a dog walker that comes midday, suggest they walk your dog in the shade and on the grass as much as possible.

Keep on the grass. 

If you have to walk your dog during the warmer part of the day, make sure he or she stays mostly on the grass. A shady park or an area with much grass is recommended if you have no other choice. 

Moisturize their paws.

Opting for a moisturizer for your dog’s paws can aid in preventing burns, cuts, cracking and peeling. Just like human skin, moisturizer is vital in keeping it healthy and strong. If your dog obtains even the slightest injury to their paws they become easily susceptible to other issues such as infection or bacterias. 

Clean and check their paws. 

Being proactive in checking your dog’s paws daily as well as making sure they are clean is key to their health. This will also show you if your dog has anything you need to be concerned about and take immediate action before it becomes a problem. If you suspect any damage or injury to your dog’s paws take them to their trusted Vet to provide further treatment. 

Take them for a Swim. 

What a better way to cool off your dog and their paws then to get them swimming. However, before you swim your dog, make sure they know how to swim correctly, use proper swim protection (such as a life-vest) and ALWAYS supervise them. Also, if your dog has a medical condition that prohibits them to swim, please reconsider and always confirm with your Vet that they are healthy enough for swimming. Making sure to have them swim during cooler hours of the day is vital too. Swimming in the middle of the day when the temperature is at its highest is not the smartest and safest time.


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